Visionary Consultant. Seasoned Educator. Lifelong Learner.
Over 24 years ago, I started my own odyssey as a classical educator… and like many classical heroes, I had no clue about the journey I had begun!
While finishing a Master of Science in Education with a specialization in Curriculum and Instruction from Oklahoma State University (and simultaneously awaiting the birth of my firstborn son), I taught at Augustine Christian Academy in Tulsa, Oklahoma the year after its formation.
There, I made a discovery that would change the trajectory of my life forever. Classical education awakened something deep in my soul, something that had been stifled by the postmodern theories of education offered in my master’s program.
Classical education offered truth, goodness, and beauty, not only to students… but to me as a teacher.
I knew I had to explore this curriculum and had a growing desire to share this knowledge with others.
My son grew to be school-aged, and a daughter soon followed. A job-related move took our family to Texas, and in this stage of our journey, we enrolled our children in a local classical school, where I also taught music and writing.
As my son reached school age, and after the addition of our daughter, a job-related move took our family to Texas. There, we enrolled our children in a local classical school, where I also taught music and writing. This phase of our journey further solidified my dedication to the classical model of education and led me to take on the primary role of educating our children.
Once declaring that I’d never be a homeschooling mom, I joined a nationally known classical community-based homeschooling program where I served as a grammar and writing tutor, tutor trainer, speaker, junior high and high school director, and area leader.
During our years of classical homeschooling, we embraced the classical model in the home as a lifestyle, not just a set of facts or a form of pedagogy.
My Children Now
Time passed swiftly, and that firstborn son I mentioned has since graduated from our classical homeschool, pursued a career as an electrical engineer (and a minor in history), and married. His sister is now a psychology major with a minor in classics.
The vision that started so many years ago is coming to fruition.
As my children’s need for daily care waned, I reimmersed myself in classical theory, earning recognition as a CiRCE Institute Master Teacher and receiving training and mentorship in mimetic and Socratic educational methods.
In 2019, I founded Sager Classical Academy in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, where I currently serve as a founding board member. My expertise has enabled me to recruit qualified educators, select and design curriculum, train teachers, and introduce narrative assessment in the classical tradition. Amid startup stressors, a venue change, and a global pandemic to boot, our enrollment has nearly quadrupled in our five years of operation. We have successfully expanded to offer grades K-12 and navigated numerous transitions with resilience.
Currently, I serve my community as an educator, teaching integrated humanities at John Brown University, where I earned my BSE in education. In addition, I teach and speak for the Society for Classical Learning and serve on their accreditation team.
What's Next
In 2025, I will publish my first book on classical education with Dr. Christopher Perrin. The book, titled The Good Teacher: 10 Principles of Classical Pedagogy, will be available next Spring. And because I believe in using leisure time well, I’m currently completing my Ph.D. in Humanities at Faulkner University.
My odyssey has taken many unexpected turns since it began twenty-four years ago, yet the destination remains steadfast: to build classical education opportunities across the educational spectrum by equipping professionals in traditional schools and homeschools alike.
If your goal is to deliver a rich classical education, I invite you to connect with me. Together, we can achieve excellence.