Carrie Eben Publications:

Imaginative Conservative
Anna Julia Cooper: Uplifting the Oppressed With Liberal Arts Education

Circe Institute
Hamlet and the Space Between Parallels: I have a confession to make. I see a therapist.

Circe Institute
My Tempestuous Journey with The Tempest: A Confession

Classical Conversations Writers Circle
Revelation through Rhetoric: Humility and Learning

Classical Conversations Writers Circle
The Transformative Powers of Memoria: It’s Not Just About Memorization

Meticulous Mycologist
How Beatrix Potter Inspired C. S. Lewis’s Joy

Teaching as Hospitality
Education is a banquet where the host's hospitality welcomes all at the table.

Assessment for Classical Schools, Part 1:
A Philosophy of Leisure
Leisure Provides Posture for
Purpose of Education.

Assessment for Classical Schools, Part 2: Relationship, Soul-Orienting Conversations, and
Types of Assessors
Relationships and conversations are important parts of assessment.

Assessment for the Classical School, Part 3: Facts, Skills, or Ideas?
Awareness of the type of knowledge
(facts, skills, or ideas) being assessed
leads to engagement with the most
appropriate type of assessment.

Classical Academic Press Disputed Question
“A classical education does not offer safety, nor is it tame. It is much more—it is good. And this goodness offers whole humans a full and flourishing life that prepares them for further education, labor, family, and citizenship through joyful learning

Anne Shirley and The Great Books
“…you can spot a Great Book by how it weaves beautiful truths and transcends reality. This quality often invites us to return to them again and again as a faithful “kindred spirit.”

The Unmighty Aphrodite: Lessons from the Goddess-Mother
“I want to be an unmighty Aphrodite, except in my capacity to love.”

The Consortium: A Journal of Classical Christian Education
“Assessing the Pedagogical Power of Poetry for Poetic Knowledge“