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Carrie Eben Publications:

Imaginative Conservative

Anna Julia Cooper: Uplifting the Oppressed With Liberal Arts Education

Circe Institute

Hamlet and the Space Between Parallels: I have a confession to make. I see a therapist.

Circe Institute

My Tempestuous Journey with The Tempest: A Confession

Classical Conversations Writers Circle

Revelation through Rhetoric: Humility and Learning

Classical Conversations Writers Circle

The Transformative Powers of Memoria: It’s Not Just About Memorization

Meticulous Mycologist

How Beatrix Potter Inspired C. S. Lewis’s Joy

Teaching as Hospitality

Education is a banquet where the host's hospitality welcomes all at the table.

Assessment for Classical Schools, Part 1:
A Philosophy of Leisure

Leisure Provides Posture for
Purpose of Education.

Assessment for Classical Schools, Part 2: Relationship, Soul-Orienting Conversations, and
Types of Assessors

Relationships and conversations are important parts of assessment.

Assessment for the Classical School, Part 3: Facts, Skills, or Ideas?

Awareness of the type of knowledge
(facts, skills, or ideas) being assessed
leads to engagement with the most
appropriate type of assessment.