What’s the difference between a family who’s EXCITED and CONFIDENT about homeschooling
through high school…
…and a family so worried about college applications & transcripts that they walk away in the
high school years?
It’s not whether or not they nailed the memory work back in the day.
It’s not whether or not they dutifully attended every summer parent equipping event.
And It’s not even whether or not they were your most dependable tutor, every single level.
In 20 years as a classical community leader, tutor
trainer, parent event speaker, classical academy
founder and mother of two graduated students, here’s
what I’ve seen about communities that endure and
those that don’t:
But the reverse is true, too.
And it breaks my heart to see families step away when the
best is yet to come.
I’ve seen over and over that mastering classical
assessment and transcript building is the common
thread that weaves families together for the long haul.
And it makes sense.
…when you are JOYFULLY CONFIDENT in your ability
to create solid transcripts that colleges actually LOVE
(and reward), everything changes.
If you’re a homeschool family, this means having what you need to:
If you’re a homeschool community leader, you can:
I know the impact that having the right tools has made for scores of
homeschool families and classical communities.
And that’s why I want to share these Tools for Transcripts with you.
But first –
Let me tell you a little bit about my unlikely journey from
traditional school teacher to champion of classical
assessment and transcripts.
When I discovered classical education over 20 years ago, let’s
just say that being a homeschooler was the farthest thing from
my mind. Can you relate?
I was completing a master’s degree in education and expecting
my first child, a son.
Even as I was finishing my degree, though, I could see the
cracks in the postmodern pedagogy being pushed in my
It bothered me more and more that we were filling minds with
…but we’d completely missed seeing the soul of the student.
Classical, Christian education was the balm my own weary soul
needed in that moment. From the moment I discovered it, I was
all in.
I taught in a classical school.
I helped start a classical Christian homeschooling community.
I spoke at 3-day parent equipping events.
I tutored. I trained. I directed.
And because cultivating a lifelong love of learning didn’t just
happen for my young adults, I completed the CiRCE
apprenticeship. I even started a Ph.D. in Humanities that
emphasizes the classics.
As my own children grew, graduated, and went on to college
quite successfully, I dove deeper into the great works of
classical education.
I spent as much time as I could learning, modeling, and
teaching classical tools of assessment that actually
harmonize with the goals of classical, Christian,
homeschooling parents instead of working against them.
And that’s where Tools for Transcripts began, along with my
personal mission to equip fellow parents with the tools they
need to see the journey through (while building
confidence, peace, and joy along the way).
I’ve since partnered with another classical education advocate,
Rachael Moriarty, to share these skills with as many families
as possible.
For over 18 years, Rachael has been actively teaching and
empowering adults and children, using the classical model.
She has served families in classical communities as a tutor,
director, and Cohort Lead Mentor for tutors and parents in a
community-model classical homeschooling program. Rachael is
also a graduate of the CiRCE Institute Master Teacher
“This seminar rejuvenated my ‘why’…assessment is
meant to grow my relationship with my child – and his
relationship with God and His creation!”
– J.S., Area Representative, Arkansas
Ready for tools that’ll give you the
confidence to continue homeschooling through high school?
Tools for Transcripts Provides A Proven, Step-By-Step System
to Assess Authentically & Classically
While Easily Creating Transcripts that
Actually Get Results
…without sacrificing one iota as a classical Christian homeschooler
Tools for Transcripts is a series of conversations facilitated online
designed to replenish, restore, and reignite your heart as a
classical homeschooling parent…
…while giving you the practical and Scriptural tools classical
educators have been using for ages to nurture lifelong learners.
You can join one of our already scheduled offerings or contact us
to set one up with a small group of your own homeschooling
Take a peek at what’s inside:
We’ll dive in right away to understand what assessment actually is – and what it isn’t.
We’ll discover how assessment itself actually changes the nature of learning,
whether we want it to or not.
We’ll explore the nature of assessment, and how the way we learned
assessment back in school might even be hindering our students’ ability to grow academically, personally, and even spiritually.
We’ll read Scripture to observe how God teaches through types of assessment
throughout his Word.
We’ll compare types of knowledge to appreciate which forms of classical
assessment are most appropriate for each kind of learning experience.
We’ll examine Scripture again to examine the connection between Sabbath
rest and authentic assessment.
We’ll bring to light the kinds of assessment that can cultivate conversations and
root out the kinds of assessment that can kill them.
We’ll practice assessment conversations grounded in the age-old wisdom of
the Five Canons of Rhetoric.
We’ll consider a range of subjects and how to assess students fruitfully (even
if it’s a field that’s felt foreign to you since your own school days). Math/Logic?
Latin? Poetry? No sweat.
You’ll connect the dots between assessment, discovering what our students
really know and understand, and how that relates to embodying virtue.
We’ll demonstrate the exact skills to use to assess at leisure.
You’ll discover how authentic classical assessment can actually be an act of
We’ll travel the path that connects assessment to transcript-building for
classically homeschooled students.
We’ll model different approaches and applications that streamline the actual recordkeeping process (not to mention making it easy to send admissions officers
a transcript in the format of their choice).
We’ll clarify requirements for granting units so you can know your transcripts
are accurate and above reproach.
We’ll show samples of a variety of transcripts from other students in classical
homeschooling communities who have successfully launched from homeschool
to the colleges of their choice and beyond.
We’ll introduce a standardized test that’s disrupting the stronghold the SAT and
ACT have on college admissions and scholarship granting and reveal why this is
a test you’ll actually feel good about your students taking.
You’ll practice, practice, and practice some more, so you’ll finish energized,
equipped, and excited about your homeschool journey for the year(s) to
“This seminar helped me bridge the gap between the
textbook and classical education with my student!”
– L.A., Parent
Ready to have the tools you need for peace, joy, and
confidence throughout every year of your homeschooling
The only authentic assessment and transcript-building seminar designed for families home
educating in classical, Christian homeschool communities.
Reserve your place in Tools for Transcripts today.
Click the button to pick from our next available sessions.
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